Sunday 19 November 2017

Casio Fx 115w Binary Options

Apoyo Si no ve una pregunta relacionada con su situación, contáctenos visitando aquí. Cómo puedo programar la tasa de impuestos en mi calculadora Modelos sin impresión (también se aplica a la calculadora de impresión HR-8TE): 1. Presione AC 2. Mantenga pulsada la tecla SET / durante unos 2 segundos 3. Presione TAX 4. Introduzca la tasa de impuestos 5. Presione SET / Imprimir modelos (excepto HR-8TE): 1. Tenga la calculadora en modo de impresión 2. Presione CA 3. Mantenga pulsada la tecla SET / durante unos 3 segundos 4. Ingrese la tasa de impuesto 5. Presione TAX 6. Presione SET / I am Tener un problema al registrar la ClassPad 300, sigue diciéndome que mi clave de producto está equivocada. Introduzca sólo los números, no las letras. ¿Qué características tienen nuestras calculadoras? El gráfico adjunto muestra comparaciones de los diferentes modelos de calculadora. Esto incluye gráficas, calculadoras científicas e impresoras. Descargue la tabla aquí ¿Qué es el interruptor F CUT 5/4 o el botón DEC F, 0, 2 de la HR-8TE / HR-8TM tienen una tecla DEC con F, 0, 2 y 5/4 sobre ella, mientras que muchos Otros modelos de las calculadoras tienen un interruptor etiquetado F CUT 5/4. El botón o el interruptor puede controlar el redondeo a un cierto número de posiciones decimales. F es punto flotante (sin indicador F en la pantalla), 0 redondea a 0 lugares después del punto decimal y 2 redondea a 2 lugares después del punto decimal. El 5/4 se aplica a los modos 0 ó 2 y describe el tipo de redondeo que se realiza. La calculadora redondeará hacia abajo si el dígito después de la redondeo es 4 o inferior y redondea si el dígito es 5 o superior. ¿Cuál es el interruptor de 5,4,3,2,1,0 ADD (2) utilizado para este conmutador se utiliza para determinar cuántos decimales se muestra su respuesta pulg ADD (2) se utiliza a menudo para los cálculos monetarios, por lo que No es necesario introducir el punto decimal. Se coloca automáticamente dos decimales desde el final por centavos. Por ejemplo, introducir 123 aparecerá como 1,23. ¿Por qué recibo 111.1111? Cuando calculo 10010 Esto es un aumento en el procedimiento del precio. La fórmula es la siguiente: Marcado (Coste-Precio de Marcado) / (Precio de Marcado) ¿Por qué recibo la respuesta incorrecta al hacer un cálculo de porcentaje? Asegúrese de que está siguiendo el procedimiento correcto. Adición de 10: 200 10 Reste 10: 200 10 - ¿Qué pruebas se permiten las calculadoras para AP Calculus requiere una calculadora gráfica. Cualquier gráfico o calculadora científica se permite en el siguiente, siempre y cuando no tiene un teclado QWERTY, teclado de escritura electrónica o una interfaz de pen-input / stylus-driven: PSAT / NMSQT, SAT I (Graficación esperada) AP Química AP Física Ver. collegeboard para más información. Para el GED, se sugiere el FX-260Solar. Cómo cambiar el tipo de cambio Cuando presiona la tecla M / EX, cambia entre el modo de conversión y el modo de memoria. Verá EXCH en la pantalla cuando esté en modo de conversión. C1, C2 y C3 son tres velocidades de conversión. C1 es la moneda de su país de origen, por lo que siempre se establece en 1. C2 y C3 son tasas para otros dos países, que puede cambiar. Por ejemplo, si desea establecer una tasa de conversión de 1 a 0,95 euros, aquí es lo que haría (usando C1 para dólares y C2 para euros): 1. Presione AC 2. Mantenga presionado SET / durante unos dos segundos hasta SET 3. Presione C2 para seleccionar la moneda. 2. Introduzca la tasa de conversión (0.95) y luego presione SET / para almacenarla en la memoria. Puede comprobar la frecuencia establecida en cualquier momento presionando AC y después C2. Cómo realizar una conversión de divisas Si desea convertir 100 euros a dólares estadounidenses, debería hacer lo siguiente (suponiendo que utilice C1 para dólares y C2 para euros): 1. Presione AC 2. Ingrese 100 y luego presione C2 3. Pulse C1 para convertir a dólares 4. Para convertir de nuevo a euros de nuevo, presione C2 También puede realizar una conversión de moneda dentro de un cálculo. ¿Cuánto en dólares estadounidenses costaría cinco artículos vendiendo a 100 euros? 1. Presione AC 2. Ingrese 5 100 y luego presione C2 3. Presione C1 ¿Qué es un error de desbordamiento Siempre que la parte entera de un resultado de cálculo sea más larga que el número máximo de Dígitos que la calculadora puede mostrar, recibirá un error de desbordamiento. El resultado se presentará como un número redondeado. (Consulte la pregunta ¿Qué es un cálculo de número redondo para obtener más información?) ¿Qué es un cálculo de número de ronda? El cálculo de número de ronda se produce durante un error de desbordamiento. Por ejemplo (en una calculadora de 8 dígitos): 99.999.999 x 123 daría el resultado E 122.99999. El número redondo del resultado es el valor de visualización x 100.000.000, que en este caso es 12.299.999.000 (la respuesta real sería 12.299.999.877). Puede presionar C para borrar el error y continuar con el cálculo. ¿Cuál es la clave MU utilizada para la tecla MU? Se utiliza para el marcado. Aquí hay un ejemplo de la función de marcado. Si el precio de compra de un artículo es 120 y la tasa de beneficio es de 25, ¿cuál sería el precio de venta y el beneficio? Ingrese lo siguiente: 120 MU 25 (resultado 160) (resultado 40) El precio de venta sería 160 y el beneficio sería 40. Para aclarar aún más, la tasa de beneficio es relativa al precio de venta, es decir, el porcentaje del precio de venta que es el beneficio. En el ejemplo anterior, el precio de venta (calculado por la calculadora) es 160, por lo que la tasa de beneficio de 25 da un beneficio de 40. Antes de realizar el cálculo, no sabíamos cuál sería el precio de venta, sólo que la compra Precio de 120 debe ser 75 de esa cantidad desconocida (como 100 - 25 75). Para mirarlo de otra manera, le estamos pidiendo a la calculadora que nos diga el número que 120 es 75 de. 160 es ese número, y entonces 25 de eso (el beneficio) es 40. ¿Por qué arent poderes / exponentes se calcula correctamente cuando uso la tecla EXP? La tecla EXP se utiliza para la notación científica, no para la introducción de poderes. Es lo mismo que decir tiempos 10 al poder de. Cualquier número que se ingrese inmediatamente después de que es la potencia que 10 se eleva a. Para subir un número a una potencia, utilice la tecla. Por ejemplo, digamos que desea ingresar 6 a la 4ª potencia. La forma correcta de entrar en esto sería: 6 4 El resultado sería 1.296. Si en su lugar introdujo 6 EXP 4, entonces esto sería interpretado como 6 (104), o 610,000, que sería 60,000. Qué calculadoras se pueden utilizar para ACT o SAT Puede ir a la página siguiente para obtener información sobre qué calculadoras son aceptables para ACT:.actstudent. org / faq / answers / calculator. html La página no especifica qué modelos son aceptables, aunque sí Especifique algunos modelos que no son aceptables. En su mayor parte, presenta pautas sobre qué tipos de funciones no serían aceptables. Información adicional sobre las calculadoras que son aceptables para SAT se puede encontrar en la página siguiente:.collegeboard / student / testing / sat / testday / calc. html Cómo cambiar el tipo de cambio en DF320TM o MS300M Estas calculadoras usan un procedimiento ligeramente diferente en comparación con Otras calculadoras Casio. Se pueden registrar hasta siete tipos de conversión. Cada uno tiene un nombre, como - gt. La tasa que especifique aquí sería de la primera moneda a la segunda, pero las conversiones se pueden hacer en ambas direcciones. Por ejemplo, si desea establecer una tasa de conversión de 1 euro a 0,93 dólares, esto es lo que haría (usando C1 para euros y C2 para dólares estadounidenses): 1. Presione AC 2. Mantenga pulsado RATE SET / durante unos dos Segundos hasta que aparezca SET 3. Presione C2 para seleccionar la moneda 2 4. Presione repetidamente para seleccionar el nombre de la moneda (por ejemplo, - gt) 5. Ingrese la tasa de conversión (0.93) y presione RATE SET / para almacenarla en memoria ¿Qué cinta de tinta Debo usar para mi calculadora Descargue este archivo para encontrar cintas de tinta compatibles. NOTA: Algunas calculadoras de impresión pueden incluir un rodillo de tinta IR-30. Esto se instala en la fábrica para los propósitos de la prueba. Si usted tiene un IR-30 en su calculadora, entonces usted debe comprar IR-40 como un reemplazo. Qué calculadora de impresión realiza los cálculos de tiempo El PR420A es la única calculadora de impresión disponible recientemente que tiene esta función. ¿Cuál es el propósito de la tecla GT Cada vez que se pulsa la tecla, el resultado se almacenará en la memoria total total. La clave GT es recuperar la memoria total total. Su función es similar a la tecla MR, en el sentido de que ambas se utilizan para recuperar el contenido de la memoria. Tenga en cuenta que la memoria GT se borrará pulsando la tecla AC en la mayoría de nuestras calculadoras. Para ciertos modelos, sólo puede borrarse pulsando la tecla GT dos veces. Después de agregar algunos números, aparece E o P en la pantalla. Qué debo hacer En primer lugar, compruebe las pilas y asegúrese de que no haya un atasco de papel en la impresora. Si ambos están bien, mientras la calculadora está en el modo de impresión, presione el botón CA (o AC) 20 veces consecutivas para borrar los búferes de memoria. Pruebe algunos cálculos numéricos y, si el problema persiste, repita el botón CA 20 veces. Si el problema persiste, entonces la calculadora puede requerir servicio. ¿Por qué tengo problemas para imprimir con mi calculadora de impresión térmica (DR-T120 / DR-T220) Las calculadoras de impresión térmica como la DR-T120 y la DR-T220 no utilizan tinta. En su lugar, requieren que utilice papel térmico. Si intenta utilizar papel estándar (no térmico) con uno de estos modelos, no podrá imprimir. El papel térmico es sensible al calor. La impresión se realiza cuando el cabezal de impresión utiliza un elemento de calentamiento para calentar el papel y crear la impresión, en lugar de utilizar un rodillo de tinta o una cinta de tinta. El papel estándar no es sensible al calor, por lo que cuando el cabezal de impresión pasa sobre él y lo calienta, no hay reacción del papel y, por lo tanto, no aparece nada en el papel. El papel térmico se puede obtener en la mayoría de las tiendas de suministros de oficina. Normalmente se utiliza papel térmico de 2 1/4 o 58 mm (tamaño estándar). Cómo puedo cargar papel en mi calculadora HR-8TE Deslice la cubierta superior de la calculadora y corte a través del rollo de papel para formar un extremo limpio. Si está montando el rollo externamente (fuera de la parte posterior de la calculadora), busque una ranura en la parte posterior de la calculadora, que aceptará el papel. Introduzca el extremo del papel a través de la ranura posterior y, a continuación, en la ranura de alimentación interna, y mantenga pulsada la tecla FEED. Después de eso, puede voltear el brazo hacia atrás para montar el rollo y reemplazar la cubierta superior. Si desea colocar el rollo dentro de la calculadora, debe alimentar desde la parte inferior del rodillo hacia la ranura de alimentación interna y mantener pulsada la tecla FEED. Cuando haya terminado, vuelva a colocar la cubierta superior. Aunque este procedimiento es para el HR-8TE, debe ser aplicable a otras variaciones HR-8, como la HR-8L y la HR-8TM. ¿Cómo puedo ajustar la hora y la fecha en DR-T120 / DR-T220? , 2008, 10:30 AM 1. Presione CA 2. Presione TIME 3. Mantenga presionado durante unos 2 segundos 4. Presione 103003152008 5. Presione TIME 6. Presione TIME ¿Cómo conecto mi CFX9850, FX9750, Álgebra FX2.0, FX7400 A mi computadora Estas calculadoras utilizan el software FA-123, que se puede descargar de: world. casio / edu / resources / fa123 / frindex. html Se necesita un cable SB-155 para conectarse al puerto serial de 9 pines de un ordenador . Esto puede obtenerse de uno de nuestros distribuidores de piezas. Un paquete llamado FA-123USB contiene el software junto con un cable USB. Este paquete se puede pedir a nuestro Departamento de Ventas Directas al 800-836-8580. ¿Cómo conecto mi FX9860 al ordenador? Esta calculadora incluye un cable USB y el software FA-124. Cómo ingresar el valor sexagesimal (grados-minutos-segundos) en las calculadoras gráficas de la serie FX9750G / CFX9850G Para ingresar un valor en formato sexagesimal (grados-minutos-segundos), presione OPTN F6 F5. Por encima de la tecla F4, debe ver deg. Utilice la tecla F4 para introducir el valor. Por lo tanto, para introducir 12 grados 34 minutos 56 segundos, entraría: 1 2 F4 3 4 F4 5 6 F4 Esto aparecerá en la pantalla como 12deg34deg56deg pero es tratado como 12deg3456. Después de realizar un cálculo, puede ver el resultado en formato sexagesimal. La tecla F5 debe aparecer como deg con una flecha sobre ella. Pulse esta tecla para cambiar la respuesta al formato sexagesimal. Por ejemplo, si su respuesta es 59.375 y presiona F5, se mostrará como 59deg2230. Sigo obteniendo un indicador de batería baja, aunque recientemente he reemplazado las baterías. 1.Usted está usando el tipo de batería que se especifica para su modelo de la calculadora Vea la documentación del usuario que vino con su calculadora para los detalles sobre sus requisitos de la energía. 2.Reemplace todas las baterías con un juego completo de nuevas. 3. Si alguna de las anteriores es la causa de su problema, haga un registro separado del contenido de la memoria según sea necesario, y luego cargue las baterías nuevas correctamente. 4.Si lo anterior no es la causa de su problema, póngase en contacto con su distribuidor autorizado o con el Centro de servicio CASIO autorizado. FX7700GB (US), FX8700GB (US), FX7000G (A) usuarios: Debe utilizar específicamente baterías CR2032. Si no está usando esa batería específica, puede estar usando una batería de baja descarga. Nuestras calculadoras requieren una batería de alto drenaje. Asegúrese de que el lado positivo () de la batería esté hacia arriba, para que pueda verlo. La instalación de la batería al revés produce un contacto y un cortocircuito deficientes, lo que provoca que la batería se descargue prematuramente. Youll también quiere comprobar la parte inferior de cada batería hay tres contactos en la parte inferior más un contacto en el lado. Tire suavemente hacia arriba de cada uno de los contactos inferiores y extraiga el de un lado. Asegúrese de que el contacto lateral no toque la parte inferior de la batería, esto provoca un cortocircuito en esa batería y puede provocar que el indicador de batería baja se encienda. Si el problema persiste, intente restablecer la calculadora. Si esto no resuelve el problema entonces usted puede necesitar tener la calculadora atendida. Al restablecer la calculadora se borran todos los programas y memorias variables. Cuando enciendo la calculadora veo una pantalla oscura (o muy débil). El ajuste de contraste puede necesitar ajuste. El método que debe utilizar para ajustar el contraste depende del modo de la calculadora. FX-7000G (A), FX-7700GB (EE. UU.): Presione la tecla MODE y luego use las teclas izquierda y derecha para ajustar el contraste. Tecla de cursor izquierda: Reduce el contraste. Tecla de cursor derecha: Aumenta el contraste. Presione la tecla MENU, seleccione el ícono CONT y, a continuación, utilice las teclas de cursor izquierda y derecha para ajustar el contraste . CFX-9800G Seleccione el icono OPTIN y, a continuación, introduzca el modo de ajuste del contraste del color. A continuación, utilice las teclas de cursor izquierda y derecha para ajustar el contraste. Serie ALGEBRA FX En la pantalla MENÚ, seleccione el icono Sistema y luego presione la tecla F2 para entrar en el modo de ajuste de contraste. A continuación, utilice las teclas de cursor izquierda y derecha para ajustar el contraste. ¿Por qué sigo recibiendo un mensaje de error cuando intento realizar cálculos aritméticos o trigonométricos Los mensajes de error deben indicar cuál es el problema. Consulte la lista de mensajes de error en la guía de usuario de la calculadora para obtener más información. Por ejemplo: ERROR Ma o ERROR matemático Causa: El resultado del cálculo está fuera del rango de cálculo permisible o está intentando realizar una operación matemática ilegal (como la división por cero). Acción: Compruebe los valores de entrada y ajústelos para permitir que el resultado del cálculo esté dentro del rango permitido. Si está utilizando la memoria para su cálculo, asegúrese de que comprueba el valor de la memoria. Syn ERROR o ERROR de sintaxis Causa: La expresión de cálculo es la sintaxis incorrecta o el programa que está utilizando contiene un error de sintaxis. Acción: Presione la tecla o para mostrar la ubicación del error y corregirlo. Stk ERROR o Stack ERROR Causa: El cálculo que está realizando ha provocado la superación de la capacidad de la pila numérica o de la pila de comandos. Acción: Simplifique su expresión de cálculo. También puede dividir su expresión de cálculo en dos o más partes y ejecutar las partes por separado. Mem ERROR Causa: Ejecutó una matriz, una representación gráfica o alguna otra operación que causó que se excediera la capacidad de memoria restante. Acción: borra los datos de memoria que ya no necesita. Asegúrese de que el número de variables utilizadas en su expresión no exceda el número de variables disponibles. Es posible que aparezcan otros mensajes de error para indicarle que un cálculo que está intentando realizar no es compatible con su modo actual, unidad de ángulo, pantalla u otro ajuste. Si esto sucede, compruebe la configuración de su calculadora e inténtelo de nuevo. ¿Hay algún material suplementario para las calculadoras gráficas? Aquí hay dos recursos que analizan ejemplos de aplicaciones para las cuales nuestras calculadoras pueden ser usadas. Álgebra de Colegios y Trigonometría Representación gráfica Calculadora Investigaciones. Dennis C. Ebersole Manual de Recursos Tecnológicos para Casio Graphing Calculators Calculus. Addison-Wesley Vol. 2 Logaritmo de un número a una base arbitraria. Logaritmos en base 10 (logaritmo común) y e (logaritmo natural) se pueden calcular directamente usando el teclado. Pero si alguien quiere calcular un logaritmo en cualquier otra base, tiene que convertir este logaritmo en un logaritmo en la base 10 usando la siguiente ecuación logba log a / log b (log a es el log de a en la base 10 y log B es el log de b en la base 10) La corrección o validez de esta ecuación puede ser verificada simplemente. De esta manera, entonces es posible calcular el logaritmo de un número a cualquier base con las calculadoras científicas / gráficas de Casios. Nota: Con una calculadora gráfica, tales logaritmos también pueden dibujarse. Con los siguientes modelos, puede especificar la base b mediante el registro de sintaxis (b, a). Los modelos: ClassPad300, RM-ClassPad, ClassPad Manager ¿Es posible realizar cálculos de tiempo con mi calculadora Sí, es posible. El número de base sexagesimal se basa en el número 60. Este número de base se utiliza para medir el tiempo y el ángulo. Medidas de tiempo (1 hora 60 minutos, 1 minuto60 segundos) Las calculadoras científicas Casio pueden realizar cálculos de tiempo así como cálculos de ángulos. Los siguientes son cálculos usando el Algebra FX 2.0 (Plus). Ejemplos: Para convertir el valor decimal 2.258 a un valor sexagesimal Introduzca el valor 2.258 y presione los botones como sigue: OPTN F6 F3 (ANGL) 5 (gtDMS) EXE Resultado visualizado: 2deg528.8 (2 horas 15 minutos y 28,8 segundos) Tiempo Cálculo con valores sexagesimales: se añadirán 5 horas 34 minutos y 48 segundos a 8 horas 16 minutos y 51 segundos. Presione los botones de la siguiente manera: 5 OPTN F6 F3 (ANGL) 4 (grados) 3 4 F3 (ANGL) 4 (grados) 4 8 F3 (ANGL) 4 (grados) 8 F3 ANGL) 4 (deg) 5 1 F3 (ANGL) 4 (deg) EXE Se muestra el resultado como valor decimal: 13.86083333 El resultado se puede convertir en valor sexagesimal. Presione los botones de la siguiente forma: OPTN F6 F3 (ANGL) 5 (gtDMS) EXE Resultado visualizado: 13deg139 (13 horas 51 minutos y 39 segundos) ¿Hay algo que deba recordar al realizar BASE-N y operaciones lógicas Sí. Además de los valores decimales, los cálculos se pueden realizar utilizando valores binarios, octales y hexadecimales. Los resultados de cálculo en el modo BASE-N siempre se visualizan utilizando el sistema de números seleccionado actualmente. Puede cambiar la configuración del sistema numérico para cambiar un valor a otro sistema numérico. También puede realizar cálculos de valores negativos y operaciones lógicas. Nota: Al introducir valores hexadecimales, utilice las teclas marcadas con letras alfabéticas rojas o verdes para introducir A, B, C, D, E y F. En este caso, no es necesario pulsar la tecla ALPHA antes de pulsar la tecla de letra . A N B es equivalente a: Not (A y B) A Nor B es equivalente a: Not (A o B) A Xor B es equivalente a. (A o B) y (Not (A) Or Not (B)) Ejemplos: Tomar Or y Xor en bits de los valores hexadecimales 19 y 1A y convertir los resultados en valores binarios. O Operación: 19 O 1A 1. En la pantalla RUN Mode SETUP, especifique hexadecimal para el ajuste MODE. CTRL F3 (SETUP) F3 (Hex) ESC 2. Introduzca el valor hexadecimal 19. 1 9 3. Introduzca el operador lógico. F2 (LOGIC) 4 (O) 4. Introduzca el valor hexadecimal 1A, que mostrará el resultado hexadecimal. 1 X. T (A) EXE Resultado visualizado: 1B 5. Especifique binario como la base de números deseada. F3 (Disp) 3 (gtBin) EXE Resultado visualizado: 11011 Xor Operación: 19 Xor 1A 1. En la pantalla RUN Mode SETUP, especifique hexadecimal para el ajuste MODE. CTRL F3 (SETUP) F3 (Hex) ESC 2. Introduzca el valor hexadecimal 19. 1 9 3. Introduzca el operador lógico F2 (LOGIC) 5 (Xor) 4. Introduzca el valor hexadecimal 1A, que mostrará el resultado hexadecimal. 1 X. T (A) EXE Resultado visualizado: 3 5. Especifique binario como la base de números deseada. FX-9750 / CFX-9850 / FX-9860 series Para tomar la quinta raíz, presione la tecla F3 (DISP) 3 (gtBIN) EXE Resultado visualizado: 11 Cómo tomar la quinta raíz de un número (o cualquier raíz superior a 3) 5 SHIFT y luego el número que desea tomar la raíz de. Por ejemplo, para encontrar la quinta raíz de -243, presione: 5 SHIFT (-) 2 4 3 EXE La respuesta muestra como -3. ¿Cómo puedo poner una matriz en forma escalonada de fila reducida en la serie FX9750G / CFX9850G? Utilice el programa ROWREDA. Éste está incorporado en el FX-9750G Plus y el CFX-9850GB Plus, y se puede cargar con el siguiente procedimiento: 1. Presione MENU. 2. Seleccione PRGM moviendo el resaltado a PRGM y presionando EXE. Alternativamente, puede presionar la tecla de registro (que es la clave para B). 3. Presione F6. 4. Presione F5 (LOAD). 5. Desplácese hacia abajo hasta U. S.A y luego presione EXE. 6. Presione varias veces el cursor hacia abajo hasta que ROWREDA esté resaltado, luego presione EXE. Para otras calculadoras de esta serie que no tienen el programa incorporado, se puede descargar desde la siguiente página:.casioeducation / downloads / 4AB30298-DA84-4D3A-82A8-9088C88C19BF Para usar el programa, vaya al modo MAT y almacene La matriz en la matriz A. Después de ejecutar el programa, el resultado será en la matriz R. ¿Cómo se generan números aleatorios en las calculadoras FX97xx / FX98xx / CFX98xx La función del generador de números aleatorios se denomina ran y se puede acceder en modo RUN pulsando: OPTN F6 F3 (PROB) F4 (Ran) Nota: En el párrafo anterior, el texto en negrita indica pulsaciones de tecla, mientras que el texto de color acuático representa los menús que aparecen en la parte inferior de la pantalla de la calculadora. Esto también supone que no hay menús en la parte inferior de la pantalla cuando empiece. Si PROB ya está en la pantalla, entonces la tecla F6 no es necesaria, sólo presione F3 y luego F4 en este punto. La función Ran genera un número decimal aleatorio entre 0 y 1. Si necesita generar un número con un rango más alto, entonces puede haber más pasos involucrados. Por ejemplo, para elegir un número aleatorio entre 0 y 100, debería ingresar: Ran100 Permite decir que desea simular un rollo de dados, donde obtiene un número entero entre 1 y 6. Su primer paso sería hacer: Ran6 Esto le dará Usted un número decimal aleatorio entre 0 y 6. Pero necesitamos un entero, no un decimal. Para convertirlo en un entero, cambiaría esto a: Int (Ran6) Esto ahora le da un número entero entre 0 y 5. Sólo necesitamos agregar 1 al resultado. Int (Ran6) 1 El resultado debe ser un entero entre 1 y 6. ¿Cómo hago la regresión exponencial en la forma yabx Casio calculadoras gráficas hacer regresión exponencial en la forma yaebx. Algunas otras calculadoras (por ejemplo, Texas Instruments) usan yabx en su lugar. Aquí se puede encontrar información sobre qué hacer:.casiocalc. org / showtopic3234 Comience por realizar la regresión exponencial en la calculadora Casio. Se le darán valores para a y b que se ajustan a yaebx. Recomiendo que anote estos valores. El valor de b en yabx es diferente que el valor de b en yaebx. Para evitar confusiones, el enlace Web mencionado anteriormente usa un B en mayúsculas para la ecuación yaBx. Haremos lo mismo para el resto de este procedimiento. Examinemos la ecuación: yaebx Sabemos que e (bx) es igual a (eb) x debido a una de las reglas de las potencias. Por lo tanto, esta ecuación puede ser reescrita como: ya (eb) x Estamos buscando la forma: yaBx Al comparar las dos últimas ecuaciones, podemos ver que Beb. Por lo tanto, para encontrar el valor B para yaBx, simplemente calcule eb utilizando el valor b que obtuvo de yaebx anteriormente. En las series FX-9750G / CFX-9850G / FX-9860G, esto puede hacerse si usted va a RUN, presione SHIFT ln, luego ingrese su valor b, luego presione EXE. Las sondas que funcionan con las sondas EA100 o EA200 están disponibles en Casio, Saltire y Vernier. Los enlaces a estas empresas se encuentran en: world. casio / edu / product / ea200 / Qué software se necesita para utilizar el EA200 EA100 Data Collector El CFX9850 tiene software incluido para utilizar las sondas Casio. Para la recolección de otros datos, el usuario puede necesitar crear un programa o encontrar uno en línea. Además, el software para los modelos FX2.0 se encuentra en: world. casio / edu / resources / addin / detail / econ2.html Para la ClassPad 300: classpad / members / osaddin / index. html El software está disponible en breve para el FX9860 . Después de realizar una secuencia de cálculos en FX115MS, cuando intento almacenar la respuesta en memoria, el valor cambia a otra cosa completamente. Si realiza una simple operación en dos pasos, después de presionar la tecla, puede presionar SHIFT STO M para almacenar la respuesta en la memoria. Ejemplo: 9-2, presione y la respuesta es 7, luego presione SHIFT STO M y 7 se almacena en la memoria. Si realiza cálculos adicionales después de eso (utilizando la respuesta del cálculo anterior), la calculadora comenzará a usar la memoria de respuesta (como se ve en la pantalla de Ans). Cuando haya terminado con el cálculo y presione SHIFT STO M, repetirá el último cálculo y almacenará su resultado en la memoria. A continuación, presione - 2 para sustraer 2 de esa respuesta, y la nueva respuesta es 7. A continuación, presione SHIFT STO M, y 5 se almacena en la memoria (porque se restó 2 de la 7 que Estaba en la memoria de respuesta). Si realiza varios cálculos en secuencia y tiene una respuesta que desea almacenar en memoria, presione Ans seguido de SHIFT STO M. Esto también puede aplicarse a otras calculadoras de la serie FX-MS, como FX-991MS. ¿Cuáles son los diferentes modos para (utilizando la tecla MODE) La tecla MODE se puede utilizar para seleccionar los modos descritos a continuación. Importante La siguiente es una explicación general de los modos Scientific Calculator. Tenga en cuenta que su calculadora puede no incluir todos los modos descritos aquí. 1) Modos de cálculo Antes de realizar un cálculo, primero debe seleccionar el modo de cálculo apropiado. COMP: Cálculos aritméticos básicos (operaciones aritméticas, funciones trigonométricas, etc.) COMPLEX: Cálculos de números complejos SD: Cálculos estadísticos de una sola variable (desviación típica de la muestra, etc.) LR o REG: Cálculos estadísticos de variables pareadas (cálculos estadísticos de regresión lineal, Etc.) BASE o BASE-n: cálculos del sistema de números binarios, octales, decimales, hexadecimales MAT: cálculos matriciales (determinantes, etc.) VCT: cálculos vectoriales Equitud: ecuaciones de grado n, ecuaciones simultáneas 2) Cómo se muestran los resultados del cálculo. Tenga en cuenta que el cambio de los ajustes Fix y Sci no afecta a los resultados de cálculo internos. Norm: Formato de visualización exponencial y cancela las configuraciones Fix y Sci actualmente configuradas. Fix: Especifica un número fijo de dígitos a la derecha del punto decimal. Sci: Especifica un número fijo de dígitos significativos. 3) Configuración de la unidad de ángulo (grados 90/2 radians100) Grado: Grados Rad: Radios Gra: Grados 4) Modo de Ingeniería Utilice este modo cuando desee introducir y realizar cálculos usando símbolos de ingeniería. Resultado mostrado: 1319 (13 horas 51 minutos y 39 segundos) Dentro de cualquier categoría, la manera de salir del modo seleccionado es seleccionar otro modo dentro de esa categoría en particular. Por ejemplo, para salir del modo SD, puede seleccionar COMP, LR o BASE-n. ¿Pueden nuestras calculadoras científicas convertir entre grados, radianes y grados? No, esas conversiones deben hacerse manualmente. ¿Qué significan las letras V. P.A. M. Representan V. P.A. M. Significa Método Algebraico Visualmente Perfecto. Es un sistema que hace posible que la calculadora muestre expresiones y que introduzca expresiones de la misma manera en que están escritas en papel. Con un modelo no equipado con V. P.A. M. Por ejemplo, introducir la expresión sin 90utilizando la operación de tecla: 9 0 sin. Con un V. P.A. M. Calculadora, ingresaría sin 9 0. ¿Qué significan las letras S-V. P.A. M. Representan S-V. P.A. M. Significa Método Algebraico Super Visualmente Perfecto. Con este método, se obtiene el mismo V. P.A. M. Capacidad de introducir expresiones matemáticas a medida que se escriben, junto con la capacidad de ver expresiones y resultados al mismo tiempo. La visualización de S-V. P.A. M. Muestra dos líneas a la vez. Puede recuperar una expresión con la función Reproducir, realizar los cambios que desee y volver a calcular. Logaritmo de un número a una base arbitraria. Logaritmos en base 10 (logaritmo común) y e (logaritmo natural) se pueden calcular directamente usando el teclado. Sin embargo, si alguien quiere calcular un logaritmo en cualquier otra base, tiene que convertir este logaritmo en un logaritmo en la base 10 usando la siguiente ecuación log ba log a / log b (log a es el log de a en base 10 y, Log b es el log de b en la base 10) La corrección o validez de esta ecuación se puede verificar simplemente. De esta manera, entonces es posible calcular el logaritmo de un número a cualquier base con las calculadoras científicas / gráficas de Casios. Con el siguiente modelo, puede especificar base b mediante la sintaxis (log b, a). Los modelos: fx-82ES ¿Cuál es la secuencia de prioridades de cálculo que debo tener en cuenta al realizar un cálculo? Los cálculos se realizan de acuerdo con una secuencia de prioridad de cálculo específica. Por ejemplo, las operaciones de multiplicación y división se ejecutan antes de operaciones de suma y resta. Además, cada modelo de calculadora realiza cálculos de acuerdo con una secuencia preestablecida de prioridad de cálculo. Consulte la sección aplicable en la guía de usuarios de su calculadora para obtener información sobre la secuencia de prioridad de cálculo que utiliza para los cálculos. (Capítulos: orden de secuencia de prioridades de cálculo Orden de operaciones Orden de operaciones y niveles) Ejemplo: -42 resultado -16 234 resultado 14 En el primer ejemplo, 4 es cuadrado y, a continuación, el resultado se convierte en un valor negativo. Esto se debe a que la operación de potencia tiene una prioridad más alta que el signo negativo. En el segundo ejemplo, la operación 34 se realiza primero y luego el resultado se agrega a 2. Esto se debe a que la multiplicación y división tiene una prioridad de cálculo más alta que la suma y la resta. Nota Las expresiones entre paréntesis se dan prioridad máxima. Los paréntesis pueden ser anidados dentro de uno al otro. En este caso, la expresión dentro del conjunto más interno de paréntesis se da prioridad máxima. Ejemplos: (-4) 2 Resultado 16 (23) 4 Resultado 20 ¿Es posible realizar cálculos de tiempo con calculadoras científicas Sí, es posible. El número de base sexagesimal se basa en el número 60. Este número de base se utiliza para medir el tiempo y el ángulo. Para las medidas de tiempo en las que 1 hora equivale a 60 minutos y 1 minuto60 segundos, las calculadoras científicas Casio pueden realizar cálculos de tiempo así como cálculos de ángulos. Los siguientes son cálculos usando el fx-115MS. La operación en otros modelos de calculadora científica (fx-991MS, fx-115WA, fx-991WA, fx-3650P, fx-82ES, etc.) es similar. Ejemplos: Para convertir el valor decimal 2.258 a un valor sexagesimal Funcionamiento de las teclas: 2. 2 5 8 deg Resultado visualizado: 2deg5deg8.8deg (2 horas 15 minutos y 28,8 segundos) Cálculo de tiempo con valores sexagesimales: 5 horas 34 minutos y 48 segundos se añadirán a 8 horas 16 minutos y 51 segundos. Key Operation: 5 deg 3 4 deg 4 8 deg 8 deg 1 6 deg 5 1 deg Displayed Result: 13deg1deg9deg (13 hours 51 minutes and 39 seconds) The result can be converted into decimal value. Key Operation deg Displayed Result: 13.86083333 How do I enter hexadecimal numbers on FX115MS First, you need to put the calculator in BASE mode: AC MODE MODE 3 You should now see 0 with a small letter to the right, showing which base you are in. You will see d for decimal, H for hexadecimal, b for binary, or o for octal. You can switch bases using the DEC, HEX, BIN, or OCT keys. These are labeled in green above the appropriate key, so the HEX key is actually the key. You do not need to press SHIFT or any other key first. When entering hexadecimal numbers, you can use the A through F keys that are labeled in red, but do not press ALPHA to enter a hexadecimal digit. So, to enter the hex digit A, simply press the (-) key. To enter the hex digit F, simply press the tan key. The letter will appear in bold so that you know it is a hex digit and not a variable. If you press ALPHA first, then the letter will not be bolded, and will be treated simply as a variable. For more information, please see pages E-9 through E-11 of the FX-115MS Users Guide 2, which can be downloaded in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format at the following link: ftp. casio. co. jp/pub/worldmanual/edu/en/fx100MS115MSE. pdf When solving mathematical expressions on FX115MS, it does not allow me to input a value for a certain variable. Using the example on page E-5 of Users Guide 2, I am not prompted for B. When you are entering the equation, the equals sign you are using is the one that is on the CALC key near the upper-left corner of the keypad, not the key in the lower-right corner. Anything you press immediately after the ALPHA key will give you whatever is in red print above the key. So, when entering the example on page E-5 of Users Guide 2, you would begin by entering: ALPHA B ALPHA CALC ALPHA A ALPHA C - etc. After you press SHIFT SOLVE, the equals sign you need to press when specifying values for the variables will be the key in the lower-right corner. How do I return my FX-115W to its default modes If the calculation results are not what you expect or if an error occurs, then perform the following steps: 1. Press MODE 1 2. Press MODE MODE MODE 1 3. Press MODE MODE MODE MODE 3 1 This is found on page E-31 of the manual. Step 3 above would get out of scientific notation mode. My FX115ES or FX300ES gives a fraction as an answer. How do I switch to decimal Turn on the calculator, then press SHIFT SET UP. This should display a menu on your screen with several options. The first two are what we are interested in. Number 1 is MthIO, and number 2 is LineIO. The default for the calculator is MthIO. While it is using MthIO, if you do a calculation that results in a fraction, the answer will be displayed as a fraction. Try 3 4 and you will get the fraction 3/4 as an answer. If you press the Slt-gtD key, then the result will be converted to decimal form (0.75). Still in MthIO, if you press SHIFT before then you should get a decimal answer immediately. Press 3 4 SHIFT and the answer is 0.75. If you would rather not press SHIFT before every time you do a calculation (or use the Slt-gtD key to convert the answer), then switch to LineIO format. When you do this, the answer should immediately appear as a decimal when you press the key. Why do I get incorrect answers with problems involving mixed fractions on FX115ES/FX300ES Be sure that you are entering the mixed fraction properly. Generally, when entering fractions, youll want to use the fraction key which is located underneath the CALC key and above the (-) key. Pressing this key allows you to enter a numerator and then a denominator. For mixed fractions, enter SHIFT followed by the fraction key. You can then enter three parts: the integer portion, then the numerator of the fraction, then the denominator of the fraction. One mistake that some people may make is to press the fraction key (without pressing SHIFT), then cursor left to enter the integer, then cursor right to enter the numerator and denominator. What happens is that is treated as the integer multiplied by the fraction, rather than the integer added to the fraction. For example, a user may enter 1 1/2 as: Fraction cursor left 1 cursor right 1 cursor down 2 cursor right This is incorrect, and is treated as 1 1/2 giving a result of 1/2. The correct way to enter 1 1/2 is: SHIFT Fraction 1 cursor right 1 cursor down 2 cursor right For more information see page E-21 of the FX-115ES manual, or page E-20 of the FX-300ES manual. How is the ClassPad different from a conventional graphing calculator The ClassPad is not a graphing calculator but a next-generation math education tool. With the ClassPad students can not only manipulate complex mathematical expressions but also grasp the relationship between mathematically different fields (for example, vector and geometry) and learn how to think along the lines of mathematics easily. The ClassPad is different from a conventional graphing calculator in capabilities in that: The ClassPad adopts a pen touch operation for inputting. The ClassPad is able to input/output a natural mathematical expression. (the program mode is excluded) For example, when you calculate using the ClassPad, you can input a proper fraction, limit, differentiation, integral, and matrix in a mathematical expression in the textbook. You can also output the calculation result in a natural mathematical expression. The four application software programs have been added in addition to the capabilities of a conventional graphing calculator as follows. eActivity Geometry Presentation 3 Dimensional Graphing Can I operate the ClassPad in the same way as a conventional graphing calculator Unlike a conventional graphing calculator, the ClassPad is operated with a pen touch operation. For example, it is necessary to select a menu or input a function or variable from the soft keyboard and Icon panel with the pen touch operation. (You can display and turn ON/OFF the soft keyboard from the keypad.) You can also input a figure, decimal point, variables x, y, z, symbols , -, , , , comma, (), from the keypad of the ClassPad. Can the ClassPad use programs that were created for other Casio graphing calculator models No, programs for other Casio graphing calculators will not work with the ClassPad. Can I connect the ClassPad to a personal computer Yes. You can transmit and receive data, and transfer images using the ClassPad Manager software, which is on the CD-ROM that comes with the ClassPad, along with the included SB-300 USB cable or the optional SB-305 serial cable. You can transfer the programs and materials (e-Activities) of the ClassPad made using a personal computer/ClassPad to the ClassPad using ClassPad Manager. Can I connect the ClassPad to the Data Analyzer EA-200 Yes. The Data Analyzer EA-200 is a digital device that makes it possible for you to sample data connected with everyday natural phenomena. How large is the memory capacity of the ClassPad 300 500 KB of RAM and 4MB of flash memory are installed in the ClassPad 300. How can I save the battery power of my ClassPad You can save the battery power of your ClassPad doing either or both of the following procedures. 1. Your ClassPad has a resume feature that remembers its status when you turn it off. and restores the same status the next time you turn the ClassPad on. Resume feature operation requires power to operate, which means that some power continues to be consumed even when the ClassPad is turned off. The power saving mode lets you choose how long the resume feature to be operated after you turn off the ClassPad unit. You can specify 1 day, 1 week or 1 month. After the time limit you specified is reached, the resume feature is deactivated The following table (users guide chapter 14-6) describes the power saving mode options that are available: Select this power saving mode option: Turn off the power saving mode (unlimited resume time)Description Features amp details 2-line display, Fraction calculations, Integration calculations, Combination and Permutation Base-n calculations / conversions, Logical operations, Complex number calculations, CALC memory, Engineering symbol calculations, 9 variable memories, Comes with slide-on hard case Statistics(STAT-data editor, Standard deviation, Normal distribution calculations, Regression analysis) About this item Features 2-line display, Fraction calculations, Integration calculations, Combination and Permutation Base-n calculations / conversions, Logical operations, Complex number calculations, CALC memory, Engineering symbol calculations, 9 variable memories, Comes with slide-on hard case Statistics(STAT-data editor, Standard deviation, Normal distribution calculations, Regression analysis) Product InformationHow to use the Casio fx-115MS S-V. P.A. M. calculator To my Math 099 students Overview of Math 099 Math 099 is intermediate algebra with geometry. It presupposes that you already know how to add, subtract, multiply, divide, raise to powers and extract roots using real numbers and fractions. Chapter one reviews the steps for solving equations with one variable and no powers (linear equations in one unknown). The rest of the book talks about graphing equations with two unknowns, solving simultaneous linear equations, rational expressions, complex numbers, radicals, and the piegravece de reacutesistance, the Grand Finale, the Big Boom when we set off all the remaining fireworks, which is the quadratic formula for solving second order equations in one unknown. All of this is done with an accompaniment of geometry examples in the background. Another concept that is important in Mathematics is the inverse of a function. This would be the function that does the opposite of some other function. It can be used to undo what the other function did. For example if your function adds 5 to a number, the inverse function would be to subtract 5. If the original function multiplied by 12 then the inverse would divide by 12 or, equivalently, multiply by the reciprocal of 12. In this course we use the concept of the inverse function in chapter one as well as when we talk about radicals and powers being inverse functions. My Grading Policy I do not grade effort, I do not give extra points for good behavior, I do not give a minimum grade for perfect attendance. Worse yet, I do not give extra points for doing your homework, nor do I give partial credit for answers that are almost right. I only care about whether you can do math and get the right answer. Your answers are either right or they are wrong. Período. Either the Mars Lander is on target or it isnt. Either the patient gets the right medicine or he doesnt. If the lander misses the target, it is lost. If the patient is given the wrong amount of medicine he may die. I hope you understand how critical it can be for you to get the right answer. When you add frac12 frac34 I want you to be right every time. Using calculators There are so many new things to learn we really dont have time to work on the stuff you are supposed to already know. Some teachers may shrug and say theres nothing they can do about your problem and others may take time out from what they are supposed to be teaching and review remedial concepts. I really want to help you pass this course, but I want you to do it on my terms you need to be able to get the right answers on my tests. I am so hung up on getting right answers that I will even allow you to use calculators. Because every calculator seems to work differently, you should never try using a calculator on a test until you have had a chance to do every problem with it. There are several calculators you might want to try but I am currently very positive on the Casio fx-115MS. It does fractions and complex numbers although it doesnt do radicals. I strongly encourage you to use it or another calculator that has the same fuctionality. In fact, even if you dont think you need a calculator, I strongly encourage you to use one to check your answers. This way you should be able to concentrate on understanding WHY you are doing the math instead of getting hung up on HOW to do it. About this user guide Notation I use curly braces when referring to keys that you press and brackets with bold text to show the answer. For example, to add 2 plus 3 Press: 5 I hope it doesnt confuse you but sometimes I got lazy and combined several keystrokes into one curly bracket, like this: 5 Combining key strokes into a single reference reminds me of a horrible story about some people who die in an emergency when they couldnt dial nine-eleven because they couldnt find the eleven key on their cell phone. I hope I havent caused you any similar distress. The are there to help you find the keys on your calculator or to tell you more about each key. Browsers Web pages are rendered differently by different browsers. Firefox and Netscape seem to do a better job of displaying the HTML special characters however, even if you are using MS-InternetExplorer, if you look at my Keyboard layout and compare it to your calculator you should be able to figure out which symbol I am using for each key. If you find anything to be confusing, please let me know sooner rather than later. The fx-115MS is called the fx-912MS in Japan. It is a general purpose scientific calculator that has approximately 300 built-in functions but no graphing capabilities. It has a two line display and some deceptively sophisticated programmability. The top line is where you put your input, the bottom line is where the calculator displays its answers. The only tricky part to using the calculator is the funny looking circle labeled copy and replay. This button also has four cursor controls for up, down, left and right. Other keys can be used for various operations depending on the state of the calculator. The state can be set by using the SHIFT and ALPHA keys or by putting the calculator into certain MODES. You can tell the state of the calculator by looking at the little indicators above the first line of the display. Here is how to access the color coded functions associated with each key. Different Calculator Logic Types. Calculators can be radically different in the way they operate. They use different keystroke sequences to enter the same formula. Do not make the mistake of borrowing someone elses calculator for a test unless you have been using it all along to do your homework. Here is a summary of various logic types that I saw at. rskey. org. Arithmetic. This logic type is typically associated with desk-top adding-machine type calculators. Its fine for accountants and bookkeepers, dont even think of using them in a Math or Science course. Simple Algebraic. This is the algebraic logic used on most so-called four-function calculators. Calculators using this logic method will have an equal key but no parentheses keys. Slightly better than an arithmetic calculator but not really. RPN stands for Reverse Polish Notation. RPN is characterized by an Enter key, and the absence of equals or parentheses keys. Hewlett-Packard has marketed RPN calculators for nearly 30 years. Today they still offer several RPN calculators, including a few dual mode RPN-algebraic calculators. RPN calculators are relatively expensive, with the cheapest going for around 60. They can do anything but they require you to totally rethink your formula before you enter it into the calculator. Traditional Algebraic. This is the algebraic logic type used on many electronic calculators since the 70s. This logic type utilizes parentheses and an equal key. Unary operations (e. g. square root) are performed on a number already existing in the calculators display register. Texas Instruments refers to their version of the traditional algebraic logic by the trademarked name AOS (Algebraic Operating System). Formula Algebraic. This logic type is referred to by various trademarks: Casios V. P.A. M. (Visually Perfect Algebraic Method), Sharps D. A.L. (Direct Algebraic Logic), and Texas Instruments EOS (Equation Operating System). It allows expressions to be entered in the same way as a mathematician would write them in an equation. For example, square root is entered before the expression on which it operates while square is entered after the expression. It is different from traditional algebraic calculators like Texas Instruments AOS which use parentheses and an equal key but all unary operations are performed on the number in the calculators display register. S-V. P.A. M. stands for Super Visually Perfect Algebraic Method. This is the algebraic logic used on your fx-115MS . It is VPAM enhanced with a two line screen that lets you see your input together with the result. The calculator keeps a history of previous calculations which you can recall with the Replay feature, make any changes that you want, and then recalculate. I have found instructions for the calculator in a PDF file on the CASIO web site here. How to test all pixels on the screen. Each digit on the second line is made up of 7 line segments. If any of them cease to operate correctly you could be misreading the data and putting the wrong answers on your homework and tests. I think it is important to check your display from time to time. To do this, follow these instructions. Press and Hold Press and Hold Press Release all three keys. Press 15 times to cycle through test screens. Here is what the first screen looks like. The second screen is totally blank. Screens 5-14 display the digits 0-9 all the way across the second line. Screens 15 amp 16 contain just one digit 0 and 1. Pressing after the end of the test displays a 2. (Because it is the second key on the keyboard Why dont the other keys seem to do anything) Press any time to exit the test. Ive been told that on earlier versions of the fx-115MS you only need to press the and keys without the key. Of course you dont want to be doing this if you are in the middle of a calculation since this will clear things out. These two keys change the state of the keyboard and determine what other keys on the calculator will do. When you press the key a white on black icon with the letter S appears on line 1 of the display window and the calculator enters the S state. When you press the key the letter A appears and the A state is entered. When the calculator is in the S state, pressing any key that has a BROWN inscription will invoke the corresponding function. In the A state the RED functions are executed. Pressing any key will cause a state to be cleared whether or not there is a function associated with that state and key combination. This key is used all over the place to review input data as well as to scroll through output results. The Copy Key allows you to several combine lines from memory into a What you need to do is to use the up arrow key to go back to a previous expression in Replay Memory. Pressing will combine all the expressions starting from that line and going forward into a multi-statement. This key is used when editing the top line of the display as well as in switching between alternate sets of menus. You can tell if there are additional menu choices by checking the rarr or the larr state indicators. This key is used when editing the top line of the display as well as in switching between alternate sets of menus. You can tell if there are additional menu choices by checking the rarr or the larr state indicators. The replay key allows you to call up SOME previous calculations, optionally change them, and recalculate them. I say SOME previous calculations since there seem to be a lot of situations which clear out the replay memory. If there is anything in replay memory you should see the either the uarr or darr state indicators turned on. You can scroll through the replay memory by using the and keys. This key is used all over the place to review input data as well as to scroll through output results. The Mode key allows you to switch between different calculator modes and to change settings having to do with how information is displayed. Press the Key repeatedly until you get to the desired menu and then press the key associated with your selection. Click here to see a list of modes and settings. MODE key submenu: 1-COMP 2-CMPLX Press to select Computational Mode for all normal scientific calculator functions. BLUE and GREEN keys having to do with Complex Numbers, Standard Deviation, Regression Calculation, number systems in other bases and bitwise logical calculations are disabled. Press for Complex Number Mode for working with imaginary and complex numbers. There are two different ways to display complex numbers which you can select here. This mode sets the CMPLX state indicator. The R hArr I state indicator in the upper right corner of a calculation result display indicates a complex result. Press the key to toggle the display between the two parts of the result. Other keys that change in Complex Mode are: . . . . . i . The variables D, E, F, X, and Y are used by the calculator in this mode and are not available for you to use. You should only use the variables A, B, C, and M. MODE key submenu: 1-SD 2-REG 3-BASE Press to select Standard Deviation Mode and set the SD state indicator. Press for Regression Calculation Mode and set the REG state indicator. Press for Base Mode for Binary, Octal, Decimal, and Hexadecimal calculations and set the d state indicator. MODE key submenu: 1-EQN Press to switch to the EQUATION MENU then use the and the on the Key to switch between two submenus. Note that the formats of the equations are different. Either selection will set the same EQN state indicator. UNKNOWNS 2 3 Press or depending on how many unknowns you have in your system of Linear Equations Degree 2 3 Press or to solve or factor second or third degree polynomial equations . MODE key submenu: 1-Deg 2-Rad 3-Grad Press to select Degrees, Press for Radians, Press for Grads as units for displaying angles. The three choices of units for displaying the measure of an angle are: Degrees (90 degrees a right angle), Radians ( pi/2 radians right angle) or Grads (100 grads right angle). This selects the Output or Display units and sets the DEG, RAD, or GRAD state indicator. The default input unit is the same as the output unit. You can specify a different input unit by using the key. MODE key submenu: 1-Fix 2-Sci 3-Norm Press to display a fixed number of places after the decimal point on the screen. Fix 09 Press to select the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point and set the FIX state indicator. Example: 123.457 Note: Changing the number of digits that are displayed on the screen does not change the value inside the calculator. If you also want to change the value inside the calculator then you must use the key. Press for scientific notation. Sci 0 9 Press ( 0-9 ) to select the number of digits to display (except that 0 displays 10 digits) and set the SCI state indicator. Example: 1.23 215 10 02 Press for normal format with a variable number of places after the decimal point. Norm 1 2 Press to use scientific/exponential format for x ge 10 10 or x lt 0.01 Press to use scientific/exponential format for x ge 10 10 or x lt 0.000000001 MODE key submenu: 1-Disp Press to switch to the DISPLAY MENU. Then you can use the and the on the Key to switch between sub-submenus: DISPLAY sub-submenu: 1-EngON 2-EngOFF Press to turn on Engineering display mode and set the ENG state indicator, or Press to turn it off. Engineering display mode uses engineering units to display answers. You do not need to turn on the engineering display mode to enter Eng Units. DISPLAY sub-submenu: 1-ab i 2-rangtheta This submenu is only available in Complex Number Mode and it specifies the default format for displaying complex numbers. You can override the default by using either the i or the key. Press to select rectangular (also called Cartesian or Euclidean) coordinates in the form ab i where a is the real part and b is the imaginary part of the Complex number. Press for polar coordinates in the form rangtheta where r is the absolute value or distance from the origin and theta is the argument or the angle that it makes. This key sets the rangtheta state indicator Note: This calculator does not handle complex numbers in exponential form like r e itheta. DISPLAY sub-submenu: 1-ab/c 2-d/c Press to select proper fraction display mode. A proper fraction is one in which the numerator is less than the denominator. Press for improper fraction display mode. Warning: If you select this mode the calculator will give you a Math ERROR if you try to enter a fraction in the form (a b/c) Note: The key will switch your answer between (a b/c) and (d/c) format. DISPLAY sub-submenu: 1-Dot 2-Comma Press to select US mode for displaying numbers 1,234,567.89 Press for European mode 1 234 567,89 The CLR key gives you the following options: 1-Mcl 2-Mode 3-All In SD MODE this changes to. 1-Scl 2-Mode 3-All Press to zero out all 9 variables (A - F, M, X, Y) ScL clears out the statistical accumulators Press to reset all Mode settings to their initial values: Calculation mode: COMP Angle units: Degrees Exponential display format: Norm 1, Eng OFF Complex Number Display Format: a bi Fraction Display Format: a b /c Decimal Point Character: Dot Press to clear both Memory and Mode settings. This key turns the calculator on. The calculator has an Auto-Off function which turns the calculator off after six minutes of inactivity. If you want to turn the calculator off manually you can do this with the key. To use this key you need to enter an equation using the sign on the key. After entering the equation press the key and it will ask you for the values of each of the variables. Enter values for all but one of the variables using the other key. Use the up/down scroll keys and to enter each value, then go back to the remaining variable and press the key and WAIT. Note: It can take a very long time for the calculator to solve the equation. For example, to solve the equation A Bsup2 C given A 10 and C 1 you would enter: A B C WAIT a long time. the answer 3 will appear. TIP: People who had trouble with this function were using the wrong key to enter the sign. You MUST use the solve / / calc key with shift. Note: Special thanks to Jos233 Noriega for pointing out an error in this example. Note: this key is totally different from the main key. Use this key when you want to enter an equation to be solved by the equation solver using the key. The CALC key enables you to enter a formula or an expression and evaluate it by substituting values for the variables. Example: B A C 1 If you press the key again the calculator will go back into data entry mode and allow you to review or change the values of the variables. This key allows you to enter a multi-statement which is the concatenation of more than one instruction in the same line. Another way to create a multi-statement is by using the Copy key. I believe it can probably be very useful. It seems that if you use the up arrow key after the execution of a multi-statement you get the individual statements that had been executed but if you use the left arrow key you get a chance to edit the multi-statement. There are some other idiosyncrasies but I havent cared enough to figure them out. Example: Here is a neat trick for generating pairs of data points automatically. Graph the function f(x)xsup2 - 3x 2 in the interval from x -1 to x 3. Generate data points for values of x 0.5 units apart. We need to do two things at each step, calculate a y-value and get the next x-value. We will enter both of these statements into the calculator on one line and use a colon to separate them. The finished program will look like this: where the sign has to be entered with the key. Here is the process: Initialize x: -1 Enter Program and get first y value: 6 Note: The Disp indicator turns on during the execution of a multi line command. (Special thanks to Adam Sundor for telling me this.) Calculate the next value of x by pressing the equal key: -0.5 Next value of y: 3.75 By continuing to press the key we will alternate between values of x and y. Here is the whole table: calculates the factorial function. The factorial can only be calculated for integer values between 0 and 69. The factorial function is usually defined recursively as follows: 0 1 1 1 2 2 215 1 n n 215 (n-1) Example: 120 This key is only available in Base MODE. Each time you press it, you will get a different menu: 1-And 2-Or 3-Xnor Press to select and enter the logical AND operator Press for the OR operator Press for the XNOR operator. XNOR is defined as (A AND B) OR (NOT A AND NOT B) which is the same as NOT(A XOR B) or A EQUIV B 1-Xor 2-Not 3-Neg Press to select and enter the logical Xor operator Press for the Not unary operator Press for the Neg unary operator. 1-d 2-h 3-b 4-o These options allow you to override the default input number base Press followed by a valid decimal value Press followed by a valid hexadecimal value Press followed by a valid decimal value Press followed by a valid octal value x -1 calculates the reciprocal function which is the same as 1 247 x. Note that in this context the -1 is an actual exponent and not an inverse function. In other words this works like xsup2 and gives the same result as pressing: Example: 0.2 calculates x 215 x 215 x Can also be calculated with the exponent key by entering the key sequence: Example: 125 After you have displayed an answer you can use this key to convert it to an improper fraction, or back to a proper fraction format. Example 1: 1 not 2 not 3 5 not 3 Example 2: 5 not 3 1 not 2 not 3 Hint: You can use the a b/c key to convert fractions to decimal format. This key can be used in two different contexts. When you are entering data it can be used to enter fractions. Example: a b/c 1 not 2 which is one half This key will also switch results between decimal format and proper fraction format. Example: 1 not 2 not 3 a b/c 1.666666667 Hint: You can use the key to convert it to an improper fraction format. Note: Since this calculator allows you to switch your output between decimal fraction and fraction, it really doesnt seem to matter if you use the fraction key versus the divide key. in other words: 1not7not15 But if you use the divide key instead of the fraction key you can get the same answer by converting the answer from decimal fraction to fraction form: 1.466666667 a b/c 1not7not15 Calculates the square root of a value. In Computational Mode you can not take the square root of a negative number. In Complex Number Mode you can get a complex result. Can also be calculated with the exponent key by entering the key sequence: Example: 2.236067978 This key is only available in Base MODE. It converts the value shown in the display to Decimal (Base 10)and sets the d state indicator. calculate the square or x 215 x. Can also be calculated with the exponent key by entering the key sequence: Example: 25 calculate the x root. this is the inverse of the key. Example: 1.495348781 In this course you need to know that rational exponents and that this is the same as the (x -1 ) or the 1/x power. So 1.495348781 This key is only available in Base MODE. It converts the value shown in the display to Hexadecimal (Base 16) and sets the H state indicator. Raises a value to a specified power which can be an integer, a fraction or it can even be negative. The inverse of this function is the key Example: 625 Note: in Complex Number Mode this key is restricted. You can not use it raise a complex number to a power. Example: and are OK but 2 is NOT. allows you to calculate any power of ten. This function is also known as the antilogarithm since its inverse is the function Example: 31.6227766 This key is only available in Base MODE. It converts the value shown in the display to Binary (Base 2) and sets the b state indicator. Calculates the base 10 logarithm. The inverse of this function is the key. Example: 0.477121254 Note: To calculate a logarithm to some other base Use the formula: log a (b) log(b) divide log(a) log 2 (3) is 1.584962501 You can check this by entering 3 calculates a power of e . This is the inverse of the natural logarithm function It is sometimes called the anti-logarithm. Example: To calculate e 1.5 press: 4.48168907 This key is only available in Base MODE. It converts the value shown in the display to Octal (Base 8) and sets the o state indicator. e is a constant like pi which can not be represented with decimal digits. Its approximate value is 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369995957496696762772407663035354 For a more precise value you can click here The ln key is the inverse of the e x key and calculates the logarithm to the base e Example: 1.098612289 This key is used to refer to the variable A. Example: To add the contents of variable A to 5 Note: In Base 16 - HEX mode use this key WITHOUT the key to enter hexadecimal digits. This key is used for entering negative quantities. Example 1: Add negative 3 to negative 4: -7 You can not use this key to subtract two numbers. For that you must use the - key. Example 2: gives: Syntax ERROR The correct way to do this is - -7 Warning: Unlike Excel and some other calculators, this calculator assigns a lower precedence to the negative operator than other operations such as raising a value to a power. For example -4 THIS WILL GIVE YOU THE WRONG ANSWER ON A MATH TEST. If you havent memorized all the differences between operator priorities in mathematics versus priorities on this calculator, your safest bet is to use parentheses whenever you have more than one operation in an expression. The previous example should be entered like this: 4 Note: in Base 16 (hexadecimal) Mode this key is used to enter the Hex digit A 16 (value 10) This key allows you to convert decimal values to sexagesimal values. Sexagesimal values can correspond to hours176 minutes176 seconds or degrees176 minutes176 seconds or any other base 60 numbering system. Example: To convert 4.085176 (degrees to degrees176 minutes176 seconds) 4.085 4176 5176 6 Example 2: To convert three and a half hours (hours to hours176 minutes176 seconds) 3.5 3176 30176 0 Note: The key is actually a toggle key - if you press it a second time it will convert the data back to decimal format. As far as I can see this is a totally useless key since you can use the key without the shift to perform both of these functions. This key is used to refer to the variable B. Example: To add the contents of variable B to 5 Note: In Base 16 - HEX mode use this key WITHOUT the key to enter hexadecimal digits. This key can be used in two different contexts. It can be used to enter an angle in degrees176 minutes176 seconds format. Example: 63 176 52 176 41.8 Note 1: There is a discrepancy between how the data appears when you enter it and how it appears in the result screen. Every time you press the key you will see a degree symbol on the formula entry line. In this example you must enter three 176 symbols which will look like this on the formula line 63176 52176 41.8176 but when you press the key you will only see two 176 symbols on the result line: 631765217641.8 Note 2: Degrees176 Minutes176 seconds can also be read as Hours176 Minutes176 Seconds. This almost enables you to do time calculations except that instead of a 12 hour day or 24 hour day, there are no adjustments made for the end of the day. So 10:30 plus 4 hours is 14:30 and 21:30 plus 4 hours is 25:30. Example: If you add 3 hours and 45 minutes to 2:40 the answer is 6:25 6176 25176 0 This key can also toggle the display between decimal format and degrees176 minutes176 seconds format. Example: 631765217641.8 63.87827778 Note: You can also use the key to do the same thing. Side Note: in Base 16 (hexadecimal) Mode this key is used to enter the Hex digit B 16 (value 11)This key is used to refer to the variable C. Example: To add the contents of variable C to 5 Note: In Base 16 - HEX mode use this key WITHOUT the key to enter hexadecimal digits. This key is used to call the Hyperbolic and the Inverse Hyperbolic functions. When you press this key it turns on the hyperbolic state indicator. To call inverse hyperbolic functions it doesnt matter in which order you press the and keys. Example 1: sinh(3.6) 8226 6 18.28545536 Example 2: sinh -1 (30) 8226 6 4.094622224 or also 8226 6 4.094622224 These are the definitions of the hyperbolic functions: Note: in Base 16 (hexadecimal) Mode this key is used to enter the Hex digit C 16 (value 12) To change the default angle unit (degrees, radians, grads) see the Key To override the default angle unit see the key Example: 44.427004 This key is used to refer to the variable D. Example: To add the contents of variable D to 5 Note: In Base 16 - HEX mode use this key WITHOUT the key to enter hexadecimal digits. To change the default angle unit (degrees, radians, grads) see the Key To override the default angle unit see the key Example: 45.572996 This key is used to refer to the variable E. Example: To add the contents of variable E to 5 Note: In Base 16 - HEX mode use this key WITHOUT the key to enter hexadecimal digits. To change the default angle unit (degrees, radians, grads) see the Key To override the default angle unit see the key Example: 0.996194698 Note: in Base 16 (hexadecimal) Mode this key is used to enter the Hex digit E 16 (value 14) To change the default angle unit (degrees, radians, grads) see the Key To override the default angle unit see the key Example: 34.9920202 This key is used to refer to the variable F. Example: To add the contents of variable F to 5 Note: In Base 16 - HEX mode use this key WITHOUT the key to enter hexadecimal digits. To change the default angle unit (degrees, radians, grads) see the Key To override the default angle unit see the key Example: 0.087488663 Note: in Base 16 (hexadecimal) Mode this key is used to enter the Hex digit F 16 (value 15) This key allows you to store a value into one of the variables A, B, C, D, E, F, M, X, and Y. In Mode you should only use the variables A, B, C, and M since the variables D, E, F, X, and Y are used by the calculator and are not available. Note: when you press the key it turns on the STO state indicator and you do not have to press the key. In addition it also performs the indicated calculation and stores the answer in Answer Memory Ans just like the key. Example: To store the value of 2 plus 3 into A Press: 6 Note 2: Special thanks to Paul Bonarrigo, P. E. for pointing out a strange side effect of this key. Most of the time if you unnecessarily press the key in conjunction with it is totally transparent and doesnt have any effect on your calculation. If you had pressed the key in the last example like this: and then pressed the you would still get the same answer of 6 . Paul showed me a situation where one actually gets an incorrect answer Let me paraphrase Pauls example: Step one: Calculate 11 and leave the answer in Answer Memory: 2 Step two: Multiply the answer by 3 and put the result into Variable Memory A: . The correct result will be stored in variable A as well as in the Answer Memory 6 . The top line of the calculator will show: HOWEVER, if you get into the habit of (unnecessarily) pressing the key you will end up storing an incorrect value into A. Heres how it works. Lets say that in step two you use this sequence of keystrokes: then you will get the answer of 54. The reason for this is that you are actually recalculating the expression three separate times and each time you are updating the value of Ans Answer Memory. When you press the key the first time you get the answer for . or 6, which is stored in the Answer Memory replacing the value of 2. When you press . you are recalculating . which is now 6 times 3, and the value 18 is stored in variable A and Answer Memory. Pressing the key at the end causes the calculator to re-execute the entire instruction with the latest value for Ans which is now 18 and storing the result of 54 into variable A and the Answer Memory. In other words, if you are using the Ans value in your expression you have to remember that every time you press any of the . . . or keys you are recalculating the expression with a new value for Ans. Pressing this key sets the RCL state indicator and lets you display the value of a variable without having to press the key. Example: displays the value of the variable A This key takes a result and displays it as a value in the range (.010-9.99) multiplied by a power of ten that is divisible by three. Look at the key which shifts the value into a different range. Example: 1234567890 1.23456789 times 10 09 Pressing the key additional times divides the scale by 1000 each time until the result would be zero. Actually the whole thing makes a lot more sense if you turn engineering units display on. This key is only available in Complex Number Mode and is used for entering the imaginary number i . Note: This key looks like it would use the key. It doesnt. However you can use it either with or without the key. This key takes a result and displays it as a value in the range (1-999) multiplied by a power of ten that is divisible by 3. Look at the key which shifts the answer into a different range. Example: 1234567890 1.23456789 215 10 09 Each additional press of the key multiplies the range by 1000 until the result would exceed ten digits. Actually the whole thing makes a lot more sense if you turn engineering units display on. Parentheses serve to group a portion of an expression into a separate basket which is evaluated before things that are outside the basket. In this way they serve to change the natural order of operations. Example 1: 10 Example 2: 10 Example 3: 14 This key is only available in Complex Number Mode. It calculates the argument of the complex number - that is it calculates the principle angle theta in the polar coordinates representation of a complex number. Example: i ) 53.13010235 since 34 i is equal to 5ang53.13010235 in rangtheta form. See for the value of r or to get both values. This key is used to refer to the variable X. This key is only available in Complex Number Mode and calculates the polar r coordinate for a complex number. The coordinate r is the absolute value of a b i which is given by r radic(asup2 bsup2) Example: i ) 5 since 34 i is equal to 5ang53.13010235. in rangtheta form. See for the value of theta or to get both values. This key allows you to enter multiple occurrences of the same data point in Standard Deviation and Regression calculations. This key is used to refer to the variable Y This key separates the parameters in a multi parameter function. This Key allows you to subtract from memory M. To see how this key might be used, see the Example that follows the key. This key is used to refer to the variable M. Memory M is a special location. To see how it is used, see the Example that follows the key. Whenever the contents of this location are non zero the M state indicator is turned on. This Key allows you to add to memory M. Memory Location M is a special memory location since it can be used to accumulate the results of other calculations. Notice that in addition to adding to the variable M, this key also acts as the equal key. Example: Suppose you buy 2 apples at .35 each, 1 lemon for .30, 4 pears at .45 each and return 3 bananas for which you will get a .25 credit each for a net cost of 2.05 This key is used to enter data in Standard Deviation and Regression calculations. This key allows you to delete data that has been entered in Standard Deviation and Regression mode. Use the and keys to find a data item. Use this key to enter the digit seven into an expression. Use this key to enter the digit eight into an expression. Use this key to enter the digit nine into an expression. This is a toggle key that shifts between insert and overwrite mode. The calculator is normally in overwrite mode. If you want to insert characters into the expression line you need to use the and keys to move the cursor and then press the key. This will change the cursor into a rectangle shape and any subsequent keystrokes will be inserted into the input line at the cursor position. This key will delete a character/digit/function and shift the rest of the characters to the left. If the calculator is in overwrite mode (blinking underline cursor) it will delete the character under the cursor. If the calculator is in insert mode (blinking square cursor) the DEL key will delete the character immediately to the left of the current cursor position. Hint: Use the and keys to move the cursor so it is immediately to the right of the character you want to delete. The calculator has an Auto-Off function which turns the calculator off after six minutes of inactivity. If you want to turn the calculator off manually you can do this with the off key. I have no idea what AC might stand for. In the both the polynomial solver and the linear equation solver it sends you back to input for the first coefficient, but it does not Clear Anything. Use this key to enter the digit four into an expression. Use this key to enter the digit five into an expression. Use this key to enter the digit six into an expression. This key calculates the number of permutations of (n) things taken (r) at a time. The formula for this operation is: Example: to calculate 7 P 4 840 Press: 840 Performs multiplication. This calculator allows you to use implied multiplication without the key as is done in algebra. Multiplication has a precedence higher than that of addition but lower than exponentiation. Example: will be evaluated as 41 This key calculates the number of combinations of (n) things taken (r) at a time. The formula for this operation is: nCr is sometimes written as: Performs division. Division by ZERO will give you a Math ERROR When entering complex fractions into your calculator it is very important to remember operator precedence rules and to use parentheses. Example: You MUST enter 0.63636363636 If you leave out the parentheses you will get: 9.8 because division has a higher precedence than addition. In other words the calculator will act as if you had entered 9.8 Use this key to enter the digit one into an expression or to select option 1 on a menu. Use this key to enter the digit two into an expression or to select option 2 on a menu. This key is used in Standard Deviation and Regression calculations involving the normal distribution. Use this key to enter the digit three into an expression or to select option 3 on a menu. This key is only available in Complex Number Mode and converts a complex number into polar coordinate form. You can use the i to convert it to ab i form. Example: i raquo rangtheta 5 since 34 i is equal to 5ang53.13010235 in rangtheta form. To see the angle theta you need to press the key ang 53.13010235 See the key for the value of r alone or the key for the value of theta This function converts rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates and leaves the answer (r) in location E nbsp and (theta) in location F nbsp. The value this function returns is the (r) coordinate. The inverse of this function is the key. This key is normally used for the operation of adding two quantities but it can also be used to specify a positive value. Example: 17 This key is only available in Complex Number Mode and it causes a complex number to be displayed in Cartesian ab i form. You can use the key to convert it to rangtheta form This function converts polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates and leaves the answer (x) in location E nbsp and (y) in location F nbsp. The value this function returns is the (x) coordinate. The inverse of this function is the key. Use this key to subtract one value from an other. Example: 4 Note Sometimes this key can specify a negative value as in: -12 . however you should avoid doing this since you may get some unexpected results. For example if the Ans answer memory is not zero and you press you will actually get . The correct key for negating a value is the key. This key only works in Fixed Display mode. What it does is to round off the internal value of your data to match the number of places you are displaying. Pressing this key will not change what you see so I really cant show you an example. Use this key to enter the digit zero into an expression or to select option 0 on a menu. This function generates a three digit pseudo random number between zero and 1. Example 1: 0.535 ( Note: your results may vary) Example 2: To simulate rolling a dice: Change the numeric display to enter the expression and roll the dice: 5 roll it again: 3 Use this key to enter a decimal point into an expression. The symbol pi represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter. The approximate value is 3.1415926535897932384626433. Incidentally, you should NEVER use the fraction 22/7 to approximate pi on a scientific calculator since it only gives you the first two digits after the decimal point. The fraction 3927/1250 gives you a slightly better approximation but even that is only good to three decimal places. For a more precise value you can click here Degree/Radian/Grad Conversion menu 1-D, 2-R, 3-G . This key works sort of backwards. When you press this key you are selecting the INPUT units. The Output or display units are controlled by the key. In other words, if you want to convert degrees to radians, you first need to use the key to set the display mode to radians. Then you enter the number of degrees followed by the key followed by the key followed by the key. Example: Suppose you are set up to work in degrees but for some reason you need to take the Sin(50 Grads). If you remember the conversion factor (360 degrees 400 Grads) you can convert the Grads to degrees by multiplication: 0.707106781 . Or you could have the calculator do the conversion for you: 0.707106781 This key recalls the contents of answer memory for use in subsequent calculations. The Answer memory is automatically updated whenever you press the key. Answer memory contents are also updated whenever you press the following keys: . . . or followed by a letter A-F or M or X or Y. Answer memory is not updated if the operation results in an error. This key is only available in Complex Number or Equation Mode and is used to toggle between the real and the imaginary part of an answer. Example: i 2 3 i Note: If the display has been set to polar coordinates rangtheta then this key will toggle between the values of r and theta This key is not available in Complex Number Mode. In Computational Mode it does a number of things some of which are counterintuitive (for me). Its basic functionality is to display a symbol in the input, act as the key and multiply the answer by 100. So, for example, if you want 30 of 250 you would press: and the answer would be 75 . However I have no idea what is the meaning of 250 30 and why the answer is 933.3333333 This key operates as the Enter/Execute key. It causes the calculator to evaluate the information entered on the first line of the display and show the answer on the second line. Every time you press this key it will re-evaluate the expression. If the expression on the first line uses or it is a multi-statement that changes memory you can actually do some pretty neat things. See the examples following the and keys. Do not use this key if you want to enter an equation into the calculator to be solved with the key. You should use the key for that purpose. Use the MODE key to go into Standard Deviation mode for calculations involving certain statistical values and the normal distribution. Standard Deviation mode activates the BLUE keys. There are two phases to this calculation: Data Entry Always start by clearing statistical memory: To enter a new data value, enter the data followed by the key. The calculator will respond with the number of data values that have been input. Warning: if you press twice you will have entered the same value twice. If you want to enter the same value multiple times without having to press the key that many times, you can enter the data value followed by the semicolon key followed by the number of entries you want and then press the key. Example: To input the value 3.5 five times press: You can review the data by using the and cursor keys. Be careful: If you press the key while reviewing data you will be replace existing data. If you press the key you will be entering new data To delete a value that you are displaying press if you input too many data values the calculator will give you an error message. Display Calculations To switch from data entry to display calculation mode you must press the key. If you forget to do this you will mess up your input data. In Standard Deviation Mode there are three keys you can use for retrieving the results of calculations: 1- Sigmaxsup2 Sum of squares of x values 2- Sigmax Sum of x values 3- n Number of Data items 1- X-bar X Arithmetic mean 2- xsigma n Population Standard deviation 3- xsigma n-1 Sample Standard deviation 1- P( where P(t) is the Probability that the normalized variate is less than t 2- Q( where Q(t) is one half the Probability that the absolute value of the normalized variate is less than t 3- R( where R(t) is the Probability that the normalized variate is greater than t 4- rarrt convert an x value to the normalized variate t Note the following relationships: P(t) R(t) 1 P(0) 0.5 P( t ) Q( t ) 0.5 t ( x - x-bar ) 247 ( sigma n ) t is sometimes written in terms of sigma units. Typically you might combine these functions. For example, to calculate the probability of ( X Use the MODE key to go into Regression Calculation mode. When you enter REG mode you can select one of three regression calculations or switch to a second menu using the right cursor arrow for an additional three choices: y A middot e (B middot x) B 4 Sum of fourth powers of x values first menu 1- X-bar X Arithmetic mean 2- xsigma n X Population Standard deviation 3- xsigma n-1 X Sample Standard deviation right cursor to the second menu 1- Y-bar Y Arithmetic mean 2- ysigma n Y Population Standard deviation 3- ysigma n-1 Y Sample Standard deviation right cursor to the third menu 1- A Regression coefficient A (check appropriate regression formula above) 2- B Regression coefficient B (check appropriate regression formula above) 3 (quadratic) - C Regression coefficient C for Quadratic Regression formula 3 (non-quadratic) - r Coefficient of Correlation for all other Regression formulas right cursor to the fourth menu. This version is for Quadratic Regression only. The next menu down is the version used for all other regression formulas. 1- X 1 - hat This is a function for converting a y-value to one of the corresponding x-values using the inverse of the quadratic regression formula. 2- X 2 - hat This is a function for converting a y-value to the other corresponding x-value using the inverse of the quadratic regression formula. 3- Y-hat This is a function for converting an x-value to the corresponding y-value using the quadratic regression formula. this version of the fourth menu is for all other regression formulas 1- X-hat This is a function for converting a y-value to the corresponding x-value using the inverse of the appropriate regression formula above. 2- Y-hat This is a function for converting ax x-value to the corresponding y-value using the appropriate regression formula above To go back to review or change the input data, press the or cursor keys. Use Linear Regression to determine a linear function f(x) that approximates the points: (3,4), (4,6), (5,5), (6,8), (7,7) Use this function to estimate the value of f(5.5) Switch to REG Mode Linear Regression, clear statistical memory, enter the data points which are pairs of (x, y) values. Each time you press the key the calculator will display the number of data points you have entered. switch to output mode: After you press the key the calculator will display zero and you can request the results. Calculate the values of A and B to get the linear regression function: f(x) A Bx We have A2 and B0.8 so the function f(x) is 2 0.8x Calculate the value of f(5.5) by using the y-hat function: 2 nd or 3 rd degree Polynomial Equations Polynomial equations have an equal sign (duh) and one variable which we will call x. When you simplify the equation and eliminate all parentheses, the highest power of x is the degree of the equation. This calculator will help you find the solutions of polynomial equations and with that to factor and reduce polynomials. Solving Equations Factoring Polynomials Reducing Polynomials Solving Polynomial Equations In a math course solving an equation means finding values of the unknown variable that will cause the equation to be true or correct. First degree equations will have one solution, second degree equations can have two solutions, third degree equations can have three solutions and so on. In intermediate algebra you only need to be able to solve second degree equations with one unknown, but it doesnt hurt to be prepared for future courses. To use your calculator to solve a polynomial equation you first need to rearrange your equations and set them equal to zero so they look like this: 2 nd degree (quadratic equation): axsup2 bx c 0 3 rd degree (cubic equation): axsup3 bxsup2 cx d 0 Then you need to use the MODE key to go into Polynomial mode and specify the degree of your polynomial, which has to be either 2 or 3. After you have pressed the 2 or the 3 key, you will alternate between entering your data and reading your answers. Data entry mode. The calculator will ask you to enter the values of the coefficients. Use the uarr and darr cursors to enter and view the coefficients. The First line of the screen will display the letters starting with a To enter values just key the value and press the key. Result mode. After you enter the last coefficient the calculator will display the first solution to the equation. To see the next solution continue to press the key. You can also use the cursor controls to look at the answers. They will be displayed on the second line of the screen as x1 x2 etc. After you have displayed the last solution if you press key again, the calculator will automatically go back into data entry and allow you to review or change your problem. If the solution is not real you will see the indicator R hArr I in the upper right corner of the display. You will need to use the key to toggle the display between the real and the imaginary part of the solution. At any point in either mode you can press the key to return to data entry for coefficient a. I have not found any way of getting into Result mode other than to press the key for the last coefficient. Example: Lets say you need to find the solution to the following 2 nd order polynomial equation: First use algebra to simplify the equations, combine like terms, move everything to the left of the equal sign with the powers of the unknown in descending order. 5xsup2 2x -3 0 Factoring Polynomials Actually this is kind of backwards from the way your book works. Your book first shows you how to factor a polynomial and then uses the factors to find the solutions. Since your calculator gives you the solutions to the equation, you need to work backwards to get the factors. The factors of a second degree polynomial are the products of the ( X - (the roots)) multiplied by the coefficient of the term with the highest power of X. For a second degree polynomial this can be written as: Example To find the factors of: 5xsup2 2x -3 we first solve the associated polynomial equation and find that the solutions are -1 and 0.6. Using this information the factors are: 5xsup2 2x -3 (5)(X - (-1)) (X - (0.6)) simplifying parentheses and using the distributive law to multiply (5) times (X - 0.6) we get: 5xsup2 2x -3 (X 1) (5X - 3) You should always use FOIL to check your answers: (X 1) (5X - 3) 5 Xsup2 - 3 X 5 X - 3 5 Xsup2 2 X - 3 Synthetic division The book also shows you how to use synthetic division to eliminate a root and thereby reduce the degree of the polynomial. Suppose you are given the equation: X 4 xsup3-7xsup2-x60 and you are told that one of the solutions is x2. If you divide the polynomial (X 4 xsup3-7xsup2-x60) by (X - (2)), you will get a third degree polynomial with one fewer solutions. Heres how you can program your calculator to do the synthetic division and give you the reduced polynomial. The coefficients of the original polynomial are ( 1, 1, -7, -1, 6 ) and the value of x is ( 2 ). First you Master Clear All. Then you enter the program which adds the next coefficient ( A ) to the result from the previous column ( Ans ) times the root ( 2 ). To run the program you need to press the Calc Key and keep pressing the Equal key to enter each coefficient and get each answer. A 1 The first answer is 1 xsup3 A 3 the second answer is 3 xsup2 A -1 the third answer is -1 x A -3 the fourth answer is -3 A 0 the last answer is the remainder which needs to be zero. So your reduced polynomial is xsup3 3xsup2 - x -3 You can check this by multiplying ( xsup3 3xsup2 - x -3 ) by ( x - (2) ) and verifying that you arrive at the original polynomial as your result. Simultaneous Equations in two or three unknowns First rearrange your equations so that all of the unknowns are on the left, and the constants are on the right. Then use the key to go into equation mode and select the number of unknowns. The calculator will alternate between asking you to enter your data and giving you answers. Data entry mode. After you have pressed the 2 or the 3 key to select the number of unknowns, the calculator will ask you to enter the values of the coefficients. Use the uarr and darr cursors to enter and view the coefficients. The first line of the screen will display the coefficients starting with a 1 To enter values just key the value and press the key. Result mode. When you enter the last coefficient the calculator will display the value of the first variable. To see the other variables continue to press the key. You can also use the cursor controls to look at the answers. They will be displayed on the second line of the screen as x1 x2 etc. After you have displayed the last variable if you press key again, the calculator will automatically go back into data entry and allow you to review or change your problem. If the equations represent parallel lines or planes the calculator will give you an error message. At any point in either mode you can press the key to return to data entry for coefficient a 1 . I have not found any way of getting into Result mode other than to press the key for the last coefficient. Example: Lets say you need to find the solution to the following two equations: 2 ( x - 1 ) 3y 5 4 ( y 3 ) 2x 4 First use algebra to simplify the equations, combine like terms, move the unknowns to the left of the equal sign in the correct order and move the constants to the right, like this: 2x - 3y 7 -2x 4y -8 Then go into and select Unknowns. The calculator will display prompts for each of the six coefficients, a 1 . b 1 . c 1 . a 2 . b 2 . and c 2 . Enter the equations using the following keys: . Make sure you use the to enter each value. After you enter all six coefficients the calculator will display the solution: X 2 and Y -1 . Engineering Mode and Engineering Units To enter engineering units you need to press the key with the correct unit. Be sure you do not confuse the key for memory location with engineering unit for Mega. To display results using engineering units you need to switch to EngON. The Engineering Units and their names are:

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